white and tan english bulldog lying on black rug

Emojis Originally Should Always Go with REAL WORDS

Daily prompt 1921-What are your favorite emojis?

We might only remember 😊, and forget it’s spelled smiley or smily…

In Japanese, ‘emo’ means emotion, and ‘ji’ means letters or words, so it was used to describe a pictograph in the good old times. I guess our ancients are all grieving for how we abuse arts and words altogether.

Sometimes, the news even reports to ‘educate’ the public with a combination of Emojis, like it is a must-learn social skill.

Talk about the emoji of praying hands…,


In Asian culture, we make this gesture not only to worship Gods in temples but also to dead people. The first time I received five of this in a row after telling someone ‘I got hired!’ I thought, ‘Well, tomorrow will be my first day of work, and he/she already expects me to die of overworking.”

A sincere response, a genuine congratulation, or caring advice can interpret how you regard this person’s value. I often vividly remember the words and forget whether there’s an annoying large colorful period.

Due to the Internet, we already isolate ourselves, lacking social activities or book clubs. Now we even lockdown our abilities to think. Press a whatever picture as if indicate our whatever perceptions of life.

One day, we may see someone’s campaign slogan is made of a circle of Emojis, or some might write their eulogies in Emojis. Maybe that’s their way to ‘express’ the ridicule of life in society.

However, suppose we cannot interpret our life perspectives into words but into a bunch of emotionless Emojis before the last breath. In that case, we are probably the reason for this dismissive world.

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