Nothing is permanent, like my life quotes

Nothing is permanent, like my life quotes

Nothing is permanent, so is my life quote daily prompt 1925 When I was in elementary school, my quote was from a Chinese phrase, “No pain, no gain.” For me, the gain was the thin report paper, the teachers’ compliments, and 2-second-of applause in class. When I turned 18, I didn’t care (even berate) to put any quotes in mind…

Emojis Originally Should Always Go with REAL WORDS

Daily prompt 1921-What are your favorite emojis? We might only remember 😊, and forget it’s spelled smiley or smily… In Japanese, ‘emo’ means emotion, and ‘ji’ means letters or words, so it was used to describe a pictograph in the good old times. I guess our ancients are all grieving for how we abuse arts and words altogether. Sometimes,…

What makes you nervous?

Dailyprompt 1916 Explaining to people that what I say isn’t wrong makes me nervous, especially in life and work. Being called a hallucinate psycho from people in Plato’s cave, I’ve known better to respect people’s different life backgrounds. But once people ‘educate’ me while I don’t do anything wrong. I’m often too nervous to explain myself. Here…

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