The main key to getting something is to repeat. The only way of getting rid of something is to repeat it tirelessly. Since Eminem dropped the 12th bomb at the age of 50 whose biological daughter is 28 now, I’ve been easily ticked off by some critics, as stated by Rolling Stone and ABC News.…
All posts tagged Eminem
Mashup Audio by XYClanKILLER2
You can feel ‘iz heart when ya heard it. Linkin Park, Slipknot, and Eminem perform together? What kind of STAGE can fit three Kings? WWlll would be a battle for one ticket.
Have Some Music and Rap out a Damaged Reality in Beautiful Melody
As I listen and follow, I feel my passion and ambition are still burning inside me; I feel that I’m not a regular 9-5 office worker isolated by a supervisor; I feel proud of knowing no one can ever figure me out. Til I Collapse reminds me of how resilient people can be to reach…