People who scan through an article always judge loudly and feel offended extremely

People who scan through an article always judge loudly and feel offended extremely

It’s just pathetic, and I guess that’s why people rather use AI to critique their writings. Do you have an experience of sharing with people your avid views in life but the platform declines to post your article, as it contains “sensitive”, “sexist”, or “racist” words? Or have you received a “report warning” from people who judged your article…

I Finally Get the Purpose of Automative ‘Congrats’ emails

Seeing a writing platform with a tracking system to compliment a writer to post constantly, I deeply feel writing is indeed a lonely, mentally exhausting, and self-doubting journey. For all the writers, our hope can be destroyed; our efforts will be ignored; our existence will be questioned; and our philosophy of achieving a life passion…

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