The Subtle but Powerful Self-Growth I Found in Myself

Being the best of myself every day and believing in every effort could harvest something unpredictable but amazing change in me as a person. When I consider self-growth, I often associate it with developing a new skill, such as completing a training program or earning a certificate — something tangible to demonstrate that growth. Without…

People who scan through an article always judge loudly and feel offended extremely

It’s just pathetic, and I guess that’s why people rather use AI to critique their writings. Do you have an experience of sharing with people your avid views in life but the platform declines to post your article, as it contains “sensitive”, “sexist”, or “racist” words? Or have you received a “report warning” from people who judged your article…

Nothing is permanent, like my life quotes

Nothing is permanent, so is my life quote daily prompt 1925 When I was in elementary school, my quote was from a Chinese phrase, “No pain, no gain.” For me, the gain was the thin report paper, the teachers’ compliments, and 2-second-of applause in class. When I turned 18, I didn’t care (even berate) to put any quotes in mind…

Emojis Originally Should Always Go with REAL WORDS

Daily prompt 1921-What are your favorite emojis? We might only remember 😊, and forget it’s spelled smiley or smily… In Japanese, ‘emo’ means emotion, and ‘ji’ means letters or words, so it was used to describe a pictograph in the good old times. I guess our ancients are all grieving for how we abuse arts and words altogether. Sometimes,…

What makes you nervous?

Dailyprompt 1916 Explaining to people that what I say isn’t wrong makes me nervous, especially in life and work. Being called a hallucinate psycho from people in Plato’s cave, I’ve known better to respect people’s different life backgrounds. But once people ‘educate’ me while I don’t do anything wrong. I’m often too nervous to explain myself. Here…

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