Part one. Here to watch The House on Pine Street. Screenshot of film. Pageant Mom Meredith (Cathy Barnett) is no doubt a control freak without discussions. Lacking empathy, she never changes a bit throughout the entire film. She loves herself so much that she is unable to care about anyone, even her daughter. At the end of…
Blood Born (2021), a Sacrifice to Have a Child (Even It’s Not a Human)
This movie review is for readers who have seen Blood Born. Here to watch BLOOD BORN. Mantis Cannibal Mating Don’t take the title literally, no female was munching her partner’s head during the mating in Blood Born. But, a mother, Makayla (Rosie Moss) brutally killed her beloved and supportive husband, Eric (Antoine Perry), and squeezed…
I Finally Get the Purpose of Automative ‘Congrats’ emails
Seeing a writing platform with a tracking system to compliment a writer to post constantly, I deeply feel writing is indeed a lonely, mentally exhausting, and self-doubting journey. For all the writers, our hope can be destroyed; our efforts will be ignored; our existence will be questioned; and our philosophy of achieving a life passion…
Frustration of Oblivious Kindness
Sometimes I wonder why I still write because all I type out is proof that what I treasure is worthless than a piece of gummy stuck on the sideway. Watching horror movies should be an exciting relaxation. But I hear the debating voices in my head; see a crucifixion in my dreams; spend time studying…
‘The House on Pine Street’ Should Be Called ‘Jennifer’s House on Pine Street’, part One
This article is for people who have watched this film, Rosemary’s Baby, and The Yellow Wallpaper. In a marriage, only women have the right to make decisions about pregnancy. The House is Humanized, not Haunted No people live inside a house, be it cursed or blessed, it’s no better than a barren land. We know…
Jim Jones: A Weaponized Paradise, part Three
1. Takeaways of the first article: Lost Paradise is a documentary recreating what happened in the final days in Jonestown; the grueling work of airlifting 900 bodies back to America caused the military to suffer from PTSD (or Shell Shock in 1970); the attraction of Peoples Church; and the accusations of sexual harassments or drug…
Jim Jones: Paradise Lost within Humanity’s Fall, part Two
In the last post, I wrote about how this documentary shows a twisted history of Peoples Church standing out among the conservative churches and attracting large amounts of African-Americans; the gruesome transporting work of more than 900 bodies; and a bit of Jones’ controversial perception. Here, I arranged three sections to delve into Jim Jones‘…
Jim Jones: A Reverend to A Rabid Murderer
Lost Paradise Lost Paradise There are a few other documentaries of this gruesome massive suicide in American history. Most of them recreated the dark history of Jim Jones, from his childhood, society’s idealogy, his mastermind of Loring the minority race during the segregation, and the horrifying ending. Some contain a lot of real audio tapes…
Final Destination Revives Original Crew for Epic Sequel. Why Doesn’t The Blaire Witch Project Sequel Do the Same?
So that the sequel can at least not f*ck up a one of kind franchise? The Blair Witch Project grossed nearly $250 million worldwide (the budget was $200k-750k), making it one of the most profitable and successful indie films. It was credited with reviving the found-foot technique that influenced other successful horror films, like Paranormal Activity. However,…
Hereditary (2018)- Themes of Ritual Invocation, the Manipulation of Life, and the Myth of Hercules.
The first time I finished Hereditary (2018.) I wrote down some thoughts titled Sometimes, We Can Only Face It. I felt a sense of irresponsibility and disrespect to summarize a film with such a hopeless tone. I thought there was something I missed from this horrifying family tragedy, and I should’ve done more research. After…